Health alchemy rn
Changing Minds. Changing Hearts. Changing Lives.
My story
Having the seemingly perfect life: a career in the Cardiac ICU of Mount Sinai Hospital; a long standing marriage; a Manhattan apartment-- somehow something was missing and empty inside of me. Despite looking like I had life well put together, no one could guess how trapped and unfulfilled I felt. Although nursing seems like a noble profession, for years I fought with the moral dilemma of pill-pushing, symptom management, and enabling unhealthy lifestyle choices in the rush and pressure to chart and get through the shift. Deep down, I could not admit that this was what I signed up for as a healer, but I was too afraid to examine the very life I worked so hard to create.
At the mere age of 29, severe back pain gave me no choice but to put an end to the internal conflict...Pain forced me to take an indefinite break from the bedside. Determined to "get back to normal" and get back to the bedside, I grew exhausted and frustrated with months of visiting countless doctors, PTs, acupuncturists, every day of the week, and no one could relieve my pain. No longer having any say in the matter, pain eventually forced me to dive in and look deeper since looking to others wasn't healing me.
What ensued was a radical healing journey. With the amazing unconditional love of a coach and mentor, I found the inner wisdom, that we all possess, to heal my body, rather than face disappointment expecting the outside to “fix me.” For once, I felt empowered in my health and life. I was encouraged, reflected, pushed, and held accountable for finding my truth. That journey of surrender illuminated that a huge part of me was me choosing to live in pain with an unhealthy relationship with stress. Though a hard pill to swallow, this epiphany strangely gave me hope... If I were the one choosing stress, I discovered that I could do something about it. Ignited, I found out who I was without stress, and it drove me to find my heart after living quite robotically through life... I dropped my stories of who I did not have to be anymore. I discovered my strengths. I found myself after years of becoming a lost stranger.
I am still healed to this day.
Looking back, I am deeply grateful for that back pain and the way it showed up in my life. It has served as a catalyst that transformed my life in ways I could not have imagined, and it empowers me to find your gold and share that with you today. My practice is a culmination of 1+ years of grounded nursing expertise, experiencing my own healing miracles, and guiding clients to experience their own. As a coach and mentor, I passionately serve and guide you to find the root of your discomfort. When we co-create a powerful conversation, you receive a lovingly safe space for presence, genuine authenticity, and falling in love with your spirit in all its beauty and power.

the rn approach?
It's true...there are a million coaches out there. Historically, the field of coaching has not seen a regulating body to hold the quality of coaching accountable to a standard of excellence.
I am here to provide you a standard of practice so high that sets me apart and breaks this trend. When you work with me, you will receive:
A Board Certified Holistic Nurse Coach: I'm a health coach who's license is overseen by the American Holistic Nurses Association.
A highly skilled Life Coach and Health Coach with formal Coach Training from The Nurse Coach Collective
A coach with 18+ years expertise as an RN navigating the medical field in acute care ranging from the Cardiac ICU, GI medicine, Recovery, Surgical and Procedural Nursing.
A coach who walks the walk and takes this process so seriously that she has invested in over 15 years of coaching..